Thank you for taking the time to look at the many ways you can help support Bethany. Many of these programs help us to enrich our students' lives by enabling us to fund programs that are not covered by tuition alone. These are our ongoing fundraising programs. In addition to these, our Parent Teacher Fellowship sponsors several special fundraisers throughout the year. Please visit our Parent Teacher Fellowship page for a current list of upcoming fundraisers.
Scrip is a no-cost fundraiser.
Simply purchase gift cards from the BCA office to use when you shop, eat out, or travel. You get the full value of the card, and BCA earns a percentage of the profit (usually 3-15%). It's a win-win!
Select from 750+ popular brands, with options for eGift cards (available immediately), physical gift cards, and reloadable gift cards. We have many different gift cards in various amounts in stock in the office, and many more that can be special ordered. And the great part is, you don't have to spend any extra money or sell anything. Everyone needs to buy groceries, clothing, and gas. We have scrip for that! Going out to eat or to the movies? We have scrip for that! Need a gift for someone? We have you covered! Buy Scrip before you shop and help support BCA!
See the RaiseRight website for more information and a complete list or gift cards that can be ordered.
RaiseRight has a mobile app that makes fundraising easy! Download the RaiseRight app to purchase electronic gift cards or reload your gift cards right through your phone and have funds available immediately. You can also purchase physical gift cards that can be picked up in the BCA office.
Please contact the BCA office for the enrollment code.
No more clipping! No more sending your Box Tops to school. All you need is your phone and the Box Tops app. Shop as you normally would, then simply scan your store receipts to find participating products. The app will automatically credit BCA's Box Top earnings online. Your friends and family can help too! Imagine earning money for BCA just by buying cereal from General Mills or baking products from Betty Crocker! It's that easy!
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Whatever you do, in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus...
Colossians 3:17
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